Our Projects

Sterilisation Project

Our mission is to combat the biggest problem in animal welfare concerning domestic pets:  the lack of sterilisation. KAWS launched the ‘be wise, sterilise’ project in March 2017 with a huge success – we sterilised 738 animals in that first year. From January until the end of September 2021 the KAWS clinic team, with the help of supporting veterinarians, has sterilised 911 animals. We continue to focus on creating awareness as well as raising funds to help sterilise abandoned and neglected animals, as well as the companion animals of people who cannot afford to sterilise them.

Sterilisation deals directly with the crux of the matter in order to reduce the number of unwanted animals.

For only R350, KAWS will sterilise an animal from a less fortunate area in your name.

not only humans need a house

Kennel Project

One of the ways that KAWS fights animal neglect and cruelty is to supply as many kennels as we can to the owners of animals who do not have a kennel and cannot afford to buy one. 

The only criteria for the animals to receive a kennel, is that the animal must be sterilised.  The advantage of this project, over and above that it will be sterilised, is the fact that the animal gets registered with KAWS and a KAWS inspector will monitor the well-being of the animal thereafter.

a chained dog is a choked soul

Unchain-the-dog Project

It is common for continuously-chained dogs to endure physical ailments. In place of proper, well-fitting collars, these dogs are tied up with wire, rope, gut, nylon, string, heavy chains – whatever is handy. Their necks become raw and covered with sores, the result of inappropriate collar-substitutes and their constant yanking and straining to escape confinement. There have been many cases where a collar has become embedded in a dog’s neck, the result of years of neglect at the end of a chain. The wounds can become septic and riddled with maggots. Sometimes the chain is placed around a young pup and is not adjusted as the pup grows, so that the chain is left to literally grow into the neck.

This is a massive problem, particularly in the townships where informal homes have no enclosed yards, leading to the animals being chained. Isolated in backyards on chains as short as a few meters, these innocent animals are forced to endure the elements, attacks by other animals and people and, perhaps worst of all, solitary confinement. Chained dogs rarely receive sufficient care and are often ignored by their owners; they become part of the scenery and may suffer from sporadic feedings and overturned water bowls, and are left to suffer extreme weather, heat and cold. Their limited area becomes the only place they have to eat, sleep, urinate and defecate; their sad, small world.

Our mission with the Unchain the Dog Project is to:

  • Raise money to create a fenced area, so that the dog can be taken off the chain
  • Provide support to and educate the community as to why chaining is not acceptable — and ultimately dangerous — and raise awareness of the physical, mental and emotional of dogs

It is a requirement of the KAWS Kennel Project that the owner of a chained dog will work with KAWS to release the dog from the chain by becoming part of the Unchain the Dog Project.  As is the case with the KAWS Kennel Project, the donations, help and assistance of caring members of the public are vital. We accept monetary donations or fencing materials that can be used to erect fences around properties in order to secure the dogs, thereby getting them off their chains. KAWS works with such owners to educate them on why it is cruel to keep a dog on a chain and will assist with the erection of the fence.