Commitment to the Knysna Animal Welfare Society’s Code of Conduct:
By signing into the Member’s Lounge, you, as a member, promise to adhere to the Knysna Animal Welfare Code of Conduct, which is:
The employee, volunteer and committee member undertakes to:
- At all times act in the best interest of KAWS and in such a manner that the integrity and credibility of KAWS is not compromised, nor its name brought into disrepute.
- Not engage in any illegal activity.
- Perform duties and functions in good faith, honesty and in a transparent manner.
- Not be involved in financial misconduct.
- Act lawfully at all times in the execution of duties on behalf of KAWS.
- Not use the position or privileges for private gain or to improperly benefit another person.
- Always act in a dignified and civilised manner with other committee members and/or other employees, and with whomever else the employee interacts with in the employee’s capacity as an employee of KAWS.
- Not disclose any privileged or confidential information to any unauthorised party.
- Not participate in or be associated with any activity deemed to be contrary and/or in conflict with the objectives of KAWS.
- Not request, solicit, or accept any reward, gift, favour, or payment for having passed on information or for introducing a business transaction with a third party.
- Not embark on any action amounting to sexual harassment or harassment of any kind of a committee member, employee, or visitor to KAWS’ Kennels/Shop or other premises.